Monday, August 24, 2009

C'mon Fellas. Sit. Stay.

Time we quit the big Tug O'War over Philly's new Big Dog, ain't it? The new era has begun. The big question is, will he be ready for his first preseason play this week? Can he still fend off a Red Dog rush and scamper for a TD?

Me, I've got my doubts. Anyone stays too long on a short leash and they just don't get off the mark the way they would with a regular daily run in the park. And, you know, did they "do the deed" on him when they had him in that Kansas kennel for 7-10 years? Hell, I know some boys went to the local vet for a weekend timeout and they came home yapping like a Pekingese. (No offense White Fang.)

What I'm trying to say here, is we got bigger bones to chew on than what some junkyard stud did or didn't do in The Big Before, which let's face it, gets pretty hazy pretty fast for most of us.

So focus on what's now: The upcoming game. Waddya's think?

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